The Yorkshire Foundation launched its Annual Fund at Social Studies Night Oct 15th 2014. We would like to thank each and every one listed below for their generosity.
Fritz Kennel
Ann Marchand
Mike & Edith Dillon
Renato & Daniela Bortolon
Yong Xu
Vladislav Pimenov
Joshua & Michelle Agrons
Pat & Terri Clynes
Simon & Debbie Payne
Giovanni & Adair Gaudioso
Chia Vi Choo
Melissa Stokes
Miguel & Maria Baptista
Jack & Melissa Cook
Yefei Chan
Peter Tuan & Ann Dieu
Ryusaka & Maki Yanagimoto
Ignacio Rodon & Maria Bracho
The Edward & Helen Oppenheimer Foundation
Shipley Realty / Sharon Rodriguez
Jason & Michele Stanley
Aisha Distel
Hiroaki Narukawa & Kyoko Imamura
Expedia BP Fabric of America
Kelly & Shelly Burkhart
David & Shelly Conroy
Doris Johnson
Allen & Tricia Rodgers
Thanks also to our staff and faculty who gave generously.